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Field Notes, II

From April 2016 to December 2017, Suzuki was the Artist-in-Residence at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This research institution spans the scientific disciplines of biology, chemistry, medicine, computer science, and engineering. During her residency, she became curious about how medical science began in civilization and how it evolved to the present moment. Her projects at the Broad Institute wove together information taken from three different historical periods—Ancient Origin, Contemporary Past, and Present.

The Present is represented by scientific writings traced by hand from the whiteboards at the Broad Institute. She scanned her drafted drawings and layered each image to create complex visual forms. “Field Notes, II,” an installation in the Bell Gallery was created by placing many layers of 10ft long digital prints on Tyvek and vellum on the floor, recalling what lays on the ground as the foundation of science—many ideas and experiments. Suzuki laid them on the floor except for one scroll that is attached to the wall. With layers of the scientific ideas and writings being laid on the floor, this work calls attention to what makes the groundwork for future scientific discoveries.

Field Notes, II
2016 - 2020

Archival pigment print on Tyvek and vellum.

98" (H) x 240" (L) x 180" (W)

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Field Notes
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© 2020 Naoe Suzuki

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